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Earth Day, Every Day!

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Theme 2022 ~ Invest in our Planet

Every day can have a different reason to celebrate – birthdays, anniversaries (which are mostly forgotten), national bird day, pizza day (literally everything), teachers’ day, women’s day and so on. Earth Day changed the course of the entire planet and human existence. In a dark time, filled with war crimes, slavery and conflict, for the first time, people gathered on the streets to publicize environmental protection and its importance.

“For Earth Day 2022, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us. All in. Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet.”

This year, the Earth day official website has launched resources to preserve the planet and humans. Check out this amazing action tool kit to diver deeper into investing in our planet.

Artist: Septo, an acclaimed street artist from San Paulo, created this mesmerizing and benevolent artwork in his free-spirited style of folk art style reminiscent of “Cordel Literature”.

Treat your eyes and learn his story - Watch Now!


A History Lesson

The very first Earth Day was celebrated on a beautiful day in the United States, nearly 50 years ago at Settle Centre. Senator Gaylord Nelson along with Denis Hayes with a room full of young adults, awakening consciousness about environmental conservation. After witnessing a tragic oil spill in 1969, Sen Nelson was determined to bring about change in people’s awareness of the severity of the situation. There were few demonstrations previously held too, against oil companies and pollution of the Hudson river, raw sewage, toxic dump; but raising awareness, expressing concern about some serious environmental concerns were raised publicly for the very first time.

SOURCE: An​drew Testa I The New York Times I Redux

A different kind of activism rose amidst racial inequality and the Vietnam War, which were met with great force. Hayes built 85 national promoters inspiring 2 crores (20 million) Americans to rally coast-to-coast broadcasting about a healthy and sustainable environment. Remarkably, no one came forward to oppose these protestors, as reported by Joseph Lelyveld of the New York Times, “if the environment had any enemies, they did not make themselves known.”

Subsequently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was chartered to the rising demand for clean air, water and land by President Richard Nixon. In 1972, world leaders came together for the first time in history to discuss and debate the environment. The Stockholm Declaration and Action Plan outlined 26 principles for Nations to follow. The same year, India. More importantly, just 2 decades later, more than 140 countries poured out on the streets to celebrate Mother Earth.


Invest in our Planet

Calls upon bold action through innovation and collaboration.

More coming soon…


Top 7 Ideas Celebrated this Earth Day

Copenhagen “Our Earth, Our Responsibility”

Focus ~ Rising sea level

Idea ~ Copenhagen is essentially an island, with rising temperatures, glaciers melting and ultimately Copenhagen sinking. 11 elevated (by 1m) benches have been installed across the city for the dwellers to experience the picture and be sensitised to transition towards a sustainable lifestyle.


Google, Global


Focus ~ Degrading landscapes

Idea ~ Google Doodle killed it this Earth day! These witty guys have broadcasted 4 time-lapses of coral reefs, glaciers, mountains and forests degrading over the decades due to anthropogenic activities. The Earth Day Doodle page outlines the issue associated and its impact on all of humanity.


Focus ~ Climate Science

Idea ~ NASA has opened its doors to discuss and share insights on climate research. Their official poster has a QR code that enters into pathways to various kinds of sustainable solutions. They have very creatively designed the posters with some codes hidden into the artwork.

Dharamshala, India

Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

“I am one of the 7 billion human beings alive today. We each have a responsibility to think about humanity and the world. We weren’t born on this planet at this time to create problems but to bring about some benefit,”

~ His Holiness the 14th DalaiLama

Sonam Wangchuk, engineer and climate activist, presents a piece of a glacier in Khardung la in Ladakh to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Focus ~ Holy Call to Climate Action

Idea ~ His Holiness Dalai Lama spread the message of urgency to unite, a reminder that nature is bigger than all of us and hope for the young people for a sustainable future. “Our world is heavily interdependent. Now challenges, like the climate crisis that affects us all, as well as our participation in the global economy, mean that we must take the whole of humanity into account. We have to put global interest first.”

A team of young people cycled drove EVs and chose public transport to deliver the glacier and message - "Please live simply so we in the mountains can simply live."Fresh Water, which we all take for granted, however, will ultimately decide the fate of humanity.

NFT YouTube, Global

Focus ~ Non-Fungible Planet

Idea ~ Simple and sweet campaign, “After all, there’s nothing more valuable in the world than the world itself.” A team of 15 visual creators explored unique, untouched locations and show how incredible the earth’s beauty is. Visit their channel to join their mesmerizing journey.

Guinness World Records, Global

Focus ~ Sustainable Innovation

Idea ~ Amina Addow published a compilation of environmental campaigns that broke records globally. Inspiring actions that moved communities through the largest underwater cleanup drive, engineered fruits to produce the highest voltage, a hotel to accommodate the maximum number of bees amidst the Scottish landscape and many more. My favourite is the largest sculpture with straws, beautifully executed, fun with a strong message.

Sendle, Australia

Focus ~ Sendle’s grizzly earth check

Idea ~ an Australian logistics company commissioned a sculpture of a 10-foot-tall Grizzly bear and cub made from cardboard packaging. Canadian artist, Laurence Vallieres, chose his mascot since only a handful (1500) of these ferocious, cuddly creatures remain just outside of Alaska, due to changing climatic conditions and habitat loss. With the onset of the pandemic, the world heavily relied on online shopping and delivery at the comfort of their homes. However, today one needs to step back and really think of the impact the transportation and packaging material have on the environment. Sendle’s chief marketing officer, Eva Ross expresses, “The cardboard is a symbol of our packaging – an integral part of the e-commerce industry – and the Grizzly Bear is an example of the threatened species that come about through climate change. We hope this symbol impresses upon everyone to think before you ship and to choose a more sustainable option.”


Start Today! 10 easy Sustainable Lifestyle changes

It doesn't take much time, it takes effort. When you embrace sustainable lifestyle changes, there are multiple benefits you reap.

  1. Buy or propagate a plant

  2. Install an air pressure reducer

  3. Say no to plastic cutlery

  4. Always carry a bag and water bottle

  5. Seasonal meal planning

  6. Trek in nature

  7. Watch an eco-documentary

  8. Read product labels – study purchased items’ company

  9. Compost

  10. Share and advocate

Bonus tip – learn, and study about sustainability as regulations become mandatory to integrate it into your organization/business.



We are at the edge of our timeline, only if we ACT TODAY will our children essentially survive, and the earth will survive with or without us. No matter what you do, where you are from or how old you are, you have the power to change the course of the future. Any action/habit you decide to dedicate to nature will be a step towards a sustainable future.


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1 Comment

Amarjit Singh Bindra
Amarjit Singh Bindra
Jun 23, 2022

Absolutely brilliant

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