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Top 7 Eco-Resolutions'23!

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

-Jane Goodall.

Looking back at the trajectory of my academic choices, I know that it was not one seminal moment but rather a series of ‘nudges’ from the universe that brought me to this momentous day when my dream of making a positive difference in the environment will become a reality.

2022 has been a year of travel for me. Starting from Dehradun, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Kutch, and Goa to finally land in Liverpool, UK. An exciting journey so far, with various professional opportunities. I am grateful to all my mentors, colleagues and peers who supported my journey!

2023 is going to be about exploring sustainability with a critical lens. Focusing on three major topics – sustainable lifestyle, sustainable organizations and sustainable travel.

  • Sustainable Lifestyle – at the start and end each one of us responsible for protecting this planet. What we demand as consumers and the way we live our everyday lives matter the most. Our daily choices impact the earth!

  • Sustainable Organizations – in the middle lies our work life. The way business and governments function, determine the future of the planet. Whichever department you may be from, you have the power to create a sustainable impact.

  • Sustainable Tourism – and lastly, in the time and money we have left, we indulge in luxury. Could be long vacations, huge weddings or expensive gifts. What do we seek when we go on a holiday? Peace, comfort, nature? And, at what cost? Any tourist destination is popular due to its natural integrity and eco-sensitivity. This makes it imperative to protect if we want to continue to indulge!


To begin with, here are the top 7 sustainable resolutions to follow. What is good for you, is good for nature. And what is good for nature is good for you! Are apples better or apple candy? Are synthetic creams safer or aloe-curd paste? Windows views of trees or a parking lot? Think about it…

  1. Watch one environmental documentary every month – gather with friends or family and find some interesting documentaries about nature. Discover nature’s beauty and you’ll be crying to have not protected it better! Did you know a 30min Netflix viewing is responsible for 36g[1] of carbon emissions, equivalent to emissions from 2[2] apples?

  2. Eat healthy = nature healthily – when we consume natural, organic, wild produce, our body is energized. Processed food has been found to negatively impact our physique as well as mental capacity. We eat 28 meals every week, choose your ingredients wisely!

  3. Better conserve your energy – with an energy crisis sweeping across Europe, it becomes our responsibility to be more mindful of our electricity consumption.

  4. Minimalistic approach – less is more. Every time you itch to shop, rest on that thought for a couple of days. You’ll get it only if you need it.

  5. Shop responsibly – when you do shop, research the company you are investing in. Beware of greenwashing and false sustainability claims. Shop local, natural, durable and sustainable.

  6. Advocate sustainability in your workplace – you may be a lawyer, scientist, nurse, manager, banker, or anything – you can instigate environmental change. For example, the office supplies and resources purchased be eco-friendly.

  7. Reduce your Digital carbon footprint – old photos, bookmarks, projects, and emails all have some carbon footprint. Declutter your computer, declutter your life!

In conclusion, 2023 will expand our consciousness towards nature and inspire action among people through quality content. Every business and every government target to be carbon neutral. Only when each one of us helps, will that become a reality. Once again, I truly appreciate all the people who have been instrumental in helping me to grow both personally and professionally, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from each one of them.

[1] International Energy Agency

[2] World Data

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